Sunday, June 1, 2008

Catching up...

Here are some fun updates from Hannah:

To me: "I want you to wear short sleeve pants, just like me because it's so nice outside. You'd be hot, hot, hot."

Daddy comes downstairs wearing clown-like, orange and white striped warm-up pants from U of Tennessee (a joke from a colleague at work), and says, "What do you think?" Hannah: "They look good, Shae."

Emerging from her room w/last year's jacket dress, "This still fits me! The arms are like capris."

- While dropping Aunt Amy off at the airport, Hannah saw a group of soldiers wearing camo. "Why are they all wearing the same outfit, Mommy?" "Because they're soldiers, honey." "Where are their swords?" (Such a good question from my sweet 3-yr-old who know soldiers from Bible stories...)

- Shae and I like to tease each other and get Hannah's input. Shae asked, "Who is sassy, Mommy or Daddy?" "Mommy!" she replied with too much confidence. "Then what is Daddy?", I asked. "He's GREAT!"

- 5:00pm whine time. Daddy's out of town. Hannah complains, "I want to eat dinner at a restaurant." I explain that we're not going to, etc., and remind her of her recent trip to McDonald's with her cousins. She retorts, "McDonald's is not a restaurant." Yes!!!! I must have done something right! :)

But then a few days later, she spies McD's while we're running errands and asks to go there. It's 3:00pm and we have groceries to buy, so I explain that we're not going to do that now. "But McDonald's is open!" She's figured out how to tell: there are cars in the parking lot.

- I'm waiting for Hannah to do her pre-nap potty try while I sit on her bed. She comes in to ask what I was doing and I say, "Picking my nose." Then I hear my own voice coming out of her mouth, "Hey, let's not say that." Pause... "You can't put 'em in your mouth."


Atticus! said...

My favorite one of them all is the last one about picking your nose (-:

Sammy said...

I am very amused by your little fashionista! :)