Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Preschool Program :)

The quality isn't great--the room was fairly dark. Hannah is wearing a dark green dress with leggings (her favorite, from Cal & Sammy!). Hannah is doing her own thing a lot of the time. Note Sammy digging for gold in the last shot (bottom right). :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008


On the way to church this morning, Hannah was pointing out forests (large groups of trees) and other things she saw outside. As we passed a lake, I asked her what that big white space was. She said, "Snow!" "Yes," I answered, "but what's under the white snow?" "Dirty snow," she said. A very likely answer here in MN!

Also at breakfast...

"Can I have some fruit that I don't like with sugar on it?" (request for grapefruit)

"Where's Daddy?" (He had stayed home earlier in the week because he was sick.)
Me: He's at work today.
H: But he will get all his friends sick!


At breakfast the other day, Hannah started talking and said, "At school, the kids were sitting at the table and one girl said her mom is really, really nice."

Me: Oh, that's good. What did you say, Hannah?

H: I said you were kinda nice.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Hannah has been eschewing crusts for some time now. I don't really know what to do; I've tried the eat them if you want _________, the "they're really the best part", removing them, etc. Today, I offered some more peanut butter on her plate to dip them in with her apple. After consuming all the apple and PB, she said, "I didn't have time to eat the crusts."

During the holiday barrage of treats, Hannah was delighted at the increase in sugar in our house. As she ate a cookie with relish, I said, "You are a sugar girl!" She promptly began to sing, "Sugar girl, sugar girl, sugar all the way" to the tune of Jingle Bells.

Varying from the binary options I usually present, I offered Hannah carrots, apple or pear after she'd had some crackers for a snack. She asked for cereal. I repeated the first options and she said, "Say cereal!"

I asked Hannah what she had for snack at school last week and she said, "Clementines with crust-es!" I asked for clarification and she said, "The crust-es were the same color as the clementines." Oranges with the peel on?


My dear mom flew back from CO with us since Shae returned early and was traveling for work (a MILLION thanks to flight attendant Aunt Amy for buddy passes and flight benefits!!!). As Grandmom was putting Hannah down for a nap, she pretended to snore in her bed while Hannah was singing. Hannah quickly put an end to it, "Wake up, Grandmom! You have to go help my mom." Apparently, it was clear WHY Grandmom had come home with us!

Shae's dear mom came over this weekend to see us after our trip to CO. Matthew had a hard time settling down for the night and Grandma went to sing to him. Hannah and I were in the living room and here's what transpired...

H: What is Grandma going to do?
L: She is going to sing to Matthew.
H: She is very kind.
L: Yes, she is.
H: You are not.
L: Why am I not kind?
H: Because you growl at me when I do wrong things.
L: Am I kind to you most of the time?
H: Yes, but Grandma is very, VERY kind.

God bless Grandmothers!!!


As she was eating lunch, Hannah pointed to her blanket in a heap on the table.
Hannah: "I can't sleep in my blanket. People think it's a cave."
Me: "What are they thinking?" (expressed as, "Wow, how silly of them!")
Hannah, taking it literally: "A cave."

Same blanket is draped over her dresser as I walk into the room. Pointing at it, she exclaims, "My sister gave this to me!" I ask, "What's your sister's name?" She replies, "Cinderella." I thought about telling her who that would make her but she hasn't heard the story yet so I decided not to go there. :)