Monday, March 10, 2008

Other bloggable sayings (or at least they seemed so in the moment).

+ Hannah is excited about sounds and words these days, imagine that! :) Whenever she hears too similar sounds or words she says one "starts with" the other. We're still working on all those connections.

When I offered her some honey on her toast, she said, "Hey! Honey starts with "honey", like daughter "Honey" (my pet name for her :))."

After taking our leave from some friend's house, Hannah remarked, "Bye starts with buy, like to buy things!"

+ This is from my mom's visit in January: At breakfast, my mom kindly prepared some toast for Hannah, putting jam on it. Hannah took one bite and said, "This jam tastes like butter!" Poor kids, in our house it's either butter or jam--she never knew she could have both!

+ Awaking to another snowing morning (March 5th to be exact), Hannah hung her head and said, "Now it can never be summer." We talked about the seasons and I explained that God made them to come at different times in different parts of the world. Thinking for a minute and remembering our monthly habit, she said, "Let's flip our calendars!", as if we could accelerate spring that way. If that were the case, we'd have been there for a while now!

+ Hannah noticed a woman walking down the street during breakfast last week. She asked if it was our neighbor Kathy who walks her dog all the time. It wasn't and Hannah was still curious who it was. It was a lady who works downtown and takes the bus to and from the stop at the end of our street. Having seen her with her kids at the park, Hannah asked why this mommy was going to work. I told her there were a lot of reasons that mommies work outside the home. Then came, "You don't work." I explained that my work now is to be at home with her and Matthew. She thought for a minute and then said, "Your work is our bodies!" And strangely added, "Matthew doesn't know that yet." (Maybe an echo of when I've tried to explain things to her that he doesn't understand??) What beautiful work I have.

+ Protesting after being put to bed, Hannah was calling out for me. Shae went in to see what she needed and was greeted with, "I didn't call your name." Wow. A lotta sass in that little body! All from the McCowen side, to be sure.


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious about "I didn't call your name....." (hilarious to me, anyway -- the outsider). ;)

Ellen said...

Wow! She would make a GREAT teacher! :)