Monday, January 14, 2008


My dear mom flew back from CO with us since Shae returned early and was traveling for work (a MILLION thanks to flight attendant Aunt Amy for buddy passes and flight benefits!!!). As Grandmom was putting Hannah down for a nap, she pretended to snore in her bed while Hannah was singing. Hannah quickly put an end to it, "Wake up, Grandmom! You have to go help my mom." Apparently, it was clear WHY Grandmom had come home with us!

Shae's dear mom came over this weekend to see us after our trip to CO. Matthew had a hard time settling down for the night and Grandma went to sing to him. Hannah and I were in the living room and here's what transpired...

H: What is Grandma going to do?
L: She is going to sing to Matthew.
H: She is very kind.
L: Yes, she is.
H: You are not.
L: Why am I not kind?
H: Because you growl at me when I do wrong things.
L: Am I kind to you most of the time?
H: Yes, but Grandma is very, VERY kind.

God bless Grandmothers!!!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

yikes! at least you are kind some of the time! :)