Friday, December 21, 2007

And more belated posts

+ At breakfast yesterday, Hannah says to me: "I'm getting bigger. You're getting smaller." Oh that it were true. :) Fortunately, from her perspective it is!

+ As we were waiting for some friends to come play, Hannah remembered that her girlfriend didn't have a "baby" (younger sibling). About her mother, Hannah said, "She needs to grow one in her tummy!"

+ At dinner, we ask Hannah to take 3 bites of a new food. We've talked about how she's a big girl, she's 3 now, etc. and needs to eat 3 bites. When looking at some soup she didn't want to try, she said, "Actually, I'm 2!"

+ This week there was a pajama party day at preschool but Hannah insisted on wearing a dress. "Mom, you wear dresses to parties!"

1 comment:

Ellen said...

That's awesome! I love how traviesa she already is!