Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back to the Blog: Part II

+ Matthew has a new Animal board book with real photos of animals. There's a shot of a male kangaroo and Hannah exclaimed, "Look, that kangaroo is going poopy!"

+ More potty training anecdotes: Hannah has taken to saying, "Just a minute, Matthew. I need some privacy." She then closes the door and proceeds with her business.

+ After finishing her popsicle (all fruit, of course :)), Hannah's hands were sticky and Daddy advised her to lick her hands and wipe them off. She obediently licked them off and then wiped them on Daddy shorts. Nice call, Daddy. :)

+ We've been talking about table manners lately and it's definitely registering... I asked Hannah if she wanted a banana or some berries and she didn't answer.
Growing impatient, I asked again. She smiled and said, "My mouth is full, Mommy."

1 comment:

Leah Miller said...

She's a genius. A beautiful genius.