Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Nerdy clarification
I just wanted to add a nerdy clarification to the post about Hannah's creating words in Spanish. It's not actually "random" syllables that she puts together. She has internalized enough Spanish to create phonologically possible words--that is, words that could actually exist in the order and combinations of syllables in which she creates them. It's amazing what the human brain can do with language!
Theology vs. Dairy
On our way home from church this morning after Bible study, Hannah was singing to herself. I thought she might have been singing a song she learned in class. It sounded like "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." I asked her if she was singing a song about Jesus and she said, "No! CHEESES. Cheeses, cheeses!" (I had told her she could have some cheese for lunch.)
In her eyes
During my Wed. am Bible study, Hannah goes to the preschool nursery at church where they play, have a snack and do a little lesson. A few weeks ago it was about obeying Mom and Dad. The teacher had cut out lots of pictures of men and women from magazines and the kids had sheets that said, "God wants us to obey..." with a place for Mommy and Daddy. Hannah chose a handsome, clean-shaven guy in his 20's wearing a tie for Daddy. Mommy? A 30-something plus size model. Thanks, Hannah!
Hearing yourself...
...out of the mouth of your own babe: Hannah woke up an hour into her nap crying loudly. I went in to comfort her and see if I could get her to go back to sleep. She calmed down and I left & closed the door. All was quiet for 20 minutes and then I heard her on the monitor, "Mommy, I'm awake! I'm awake!" I came down after a while and when I opened the door she said, "Thank you for obeying, Mommy." Wow. :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hannah's interest in Spanish has waxed and waned. I try to read/talk to her daily in Spanish. We always get books from the library in Spanish to complement our selection at home. Currently, she seems to think that I am just making things up when I speak Spanish. She's started creating words in "Spanish" by just combining random syllables. She was asking me how to say several things and asked the word for hair clip. It slipped my mind and I told her I couldn't remember it right then. She said, "I know it! It's ro-hee-a."
Fun with music
We've been having a good time with a Wee Sing & Pretend recording from the library.
There's a version of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" that starts on a sunny day, then the rain comes and you row faster, row faster, jump to shore, tie up the boat, and run for cover. After tying up the boat, Hannah ran the couch for the afghan (cover :))!
Another song about bugs ends with marching ants and ants in my pants. Later, Daddy was reading a book about animals and eating and he asked Hannah what the aardvark eats. "Ants... in my pants!", she replied.
There's a version of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" that starts on a sunny day, then the rain comes and you row faster, row faster, jump to shore, tie up the boat, and run for cover. After tying up the boat, Hannah ran the couch for the afghan (cover :))!
Another song about bugs ends with marching ants and ants in my pants. Later, Daddy was reading a book about animals and eating and he asked Hannah what the aardvark eats. "Ants... in my pants!", she replied.
Sass from a 2-yr-old
Again, trying to change Hannah's diaper (man, I'm ready for her to be potty trained!!!!), she was squirming and I said, "Hannah, I need you to cooperate here." Her reply: "I'm not cop-er-ating."
While reading to the kiddos on the couch, Hannah was getting grumpy when one of Matthew's flailing limbs grazed her. "NO!", she shouted. I explained that Matthew wasn't trying to hurt her, that's just how babies move, etc., etc. When it happened again she screamed "NO!" again and I said, "Hannah, I don't like that 'no'." She said, "I like that 'no'." Cheeky girl!
While reading to the kiddos on the couch, Hannah was getting grumpy when one of Matthew's flailing limbs grazed her. "NO!", she shouted. I explained that Matthew wasn't trying to hurt her, that's just how babies move, etc., etc. When it happened again she screamed "NO!" again and I said, "Hannah, I don't like that 'no'." She said, "I like that 'no'." Cheeky girl!
Holy Cow!
We were playing in Matthew's room and Hannah wanted to be changed on HIS changing table. I laid her back and as soon as I opened her diaper, she exclaimed, "HOLY COW!" --just like Shae does when Matthew has a big blow out... her intonation was perfect!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
I love to hear Hannah's linguistic growth, exploration and creation. Some of my favorites as of late are:
After marching slowly, she called out, "Go fastly, Mom! Fastly!"
While tumbling and wrestling in the living room, she landed upside down in my arms.
"Upside up, please!", she requested.
After getting in the car with snowy shoes, she announced that she made "feetprints" on the seat in front of her.
After marching slowly, she called out, "Go fastly, Mom! Fastly!"
While tumbling and wrestling in the living room, she landed upside down in my arms.
"Upside up, please!", she requested.
After getting in the car with snowy shoes, she announced that she made "feetprints" on the seat in front of her.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Like Daddy
Last night Shae was changing Matthew's diaper and he did a raspberry on his tummy (brrrrr noise). In the dining room, Hannah heard the noise and laughed, "Daddy tooted!"
And on a related note, most of you have heard this one, but it is my favorite Hannah-ism of the last few months: Hannah passed some gas. Some NOISY gas. I asked her if she tooted. "Yeah, like Daddy!", she replied with a smile. (For the record, I own up to passing my share of gas, but I do it more discreetly!)
And on a related note, most of you have heard this one, but it is my favorite Hannah-ism of the last few months: Hannah passed some gas. Some NOISY gas. I asked her if she tooted. "Yeah, like Daddy!", she replied with a smile. (For the record, I own up to passing my share of gas, but I do it more discreetly!)
Where's her face?
One of Hannah's favorite pastimes is pulling books off the shelves in our bedroom and "reading" them to herself. She is particularly excited if they have pictures. I was getting dressed and she came to me asking urgently, "Where's her face? Where's her face?", as she held open my "Nursing Mother's Companion"... lots of drawings of breasts, but no faces.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
My Edenic Home State
I was reading the story of the Garden of Eden to Hannah yesterday and she asked who the man and woman were (even though she knows :)). When I told her the man was Adam, she said, "He's in Colorado!" (My sister Amy is dating a guy named Adam. :))
Starting Solids
We've been feeding Matthew some cereal and Hannah is very interested but concerned about him since he doesn't keep much in yet. She said, "Uh oh! Matthew spilling. Matthew too saucy."
Friday, March 2, 2007
We came in from the snow yesterday because Hannah had a very stinky diaper. As I was getting ready to change her, she said, "Stinky poopy. Peeee Yew! Just like the skunk on Noah's ark."
Here we go
I'm going to try my hand at blogging. There are so many funny things that Hannah says (and Matthew's sure to follow) and I try to write them down, remember to tell family and friends, etc. I'm going to see if this is a good way to accomplish that! (And we just want to be as cool as Elijah, Cal, Isaac and Sammy!)
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